Why We Fight: The Nazis Strike - US Propaganda WW2 Documentary Film (1943)
DVD: www.amazon.com thefilmarchive.org The Nazis Strike was the second film of Frank Capra's Why We Fight propaganda film series. It introduces Germany as a nation whose aggressive ambitions began in 1863 with Otto von Bismarck and with the Nazis as their latest incarnation. Hitler's plan for world domination is described in terms of Halford John Mackinder's Heartland Theory. The next focus of the film is the "softening-up" of the Western democracies using fascist organizations such as the Belgian Rexists, the Sudeten German National Socialist Party of Konrad Henlein, the British Union of Fascists and the German-American Bund. Meanwhile, within Germany the Nazis are beginning an enormous process of rearmament. Germany then begins its territorial expansion with the first target being Austria, Hitler's "full-scale invasion test". He then uses his Sudeten "stooges" under Konrad Henlein to "soften up" Czechoslovakia and annex the Sudetenland with the help of a Britain and France desperate to avoid war. Hitler's use of the concept of self-determination as a justification for these annexations is ridiculed by reference to prominent German Americans thoroughly loyal to the Allied cause, including Admiral Chester Nimitz, Henry J. Kaiser, Wendell Willkie and Senator Robert Wagner. The film concludes with the Invasion of Poland, which is depicted with many inaccuracies. The extreme disparity between the two sides is emphasized - the Nazis have 5000 modern tanks against Poland's 600 <b>...</b>
少女時代、“過半数が恋愛中”は「事実ではない」少女時代が、“過半数が恋愛中”は事実ではないことを明らかにした。 21日午後に放送されたKBS2TV『ビッグブラザーズ』に少女時代のテヨン、ティファニー、ユリ、ソヒョンが出演しトークを繰り広げた。 この日の放送で少女時代メンバーは、最近サニーがSBS『強心臓』に出演 ... このトピックに関する記事をすべて表示する » |  財経新聞 |
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